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Труды сотрудников Института органического синтеза УрО РАН - результаты поиска

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   C 78

    Copper and Copper Oxides Nanopowders in the Oxidative Condensations of Phenylacetylene and Tert-Butylacetylene [Electronic resource] / O. A. Kuznetsova, E. F. Khmara, V. I. Filyakova, M. A. Uimin, A. E. Ermakov, C. K. Rhee, V. N. Charushin // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. - 2007. - Vol. 77, № 3. - P404-408. - Библиогр. : с. 408 (12 назв.)
ББК 54
Аннотация: Transformations of phenylacetylene and tert-butylacetylene in the presence of copper and copper oxide (Cusub2/subO, CuO) nanopowders prepared by gas-phase condensation of copper in argon were studied. The reaction of phenylacetylene with copper oxide nanopowders having different phase compositions in the absence of a solvent at room temperature resulted in oxidative condensation of phenylacetylene and complex formation of the condensation product. The complex undergoes decomposition by the action of acids, bases, and compounds capable of forming complexes. According to the X-ray diffraction data, one of the products is a new “parquet” modification of diphenyldiacetylene. Under analogous conditions, tert-butylacetylene gave rise to a complex mixture of products among which di- tert-butyldiacetylene was identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. No copper complexes with the tert-butylacetylene condensation products were detected.

\\\\expert2\\nbo\\Russian Journal of General Chemistry\\2007, V. 77, N 3, p.404.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   A 53

    An efficient synthesis of alkylfluoroalkylketones [Text] / O. G. Khomutov, V. I. Filyakova, A. V. Kutchin, K. I. Pashkevich // Journal of Fluorine Chemistry. - 1992. - Vol. 58, № 2-3. - P161
ББК 54
Аннотация: Interaction of fluoroacyl chlorides with lithium tetraalkylaluminates II prepared by the hydroalumination of alkenes I results in fluorinated ketones III with yields of 65–70%.??RF = CF3, H(CF2)2, C4F9, C6F13 R1 = C3H7, C4H9, C6H13, C7H15??The reaction is simple and does not require an argon atmosphere, as is needed for most reactions of organoaluminum compounds????

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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   U 52

    Unexpected reduction of the nitro group in (3-nitrophenyl)-1,2,4-triazines during their aza-Diels–Alder reaction with 1-morpholinocyclopentene [Electronic resource] / D. S. Kopchuk, A. F. Khasanov, I. S. Kovalev, G. V. Zyryanov, V. L. Rusinov, O. N. Chupakhin // Mendeleev Communications. - 2013. - Vol.23, №4. - С. 209-211. - Bibliogr. : p. 211 (15 ref.)
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Unexpected reduction of the nitro group to the amino one during aza-Diels–Alder reaction between (3-nitrophenyl)-1,2,4-triazines and 1-morpholinocyclopentene (neat, 200 °C, argon) occurred to furnish 4-(3-aminophenyl)-6,7-dihydro-5H-cyclopenta[c]pyridines

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\Mendeleev Communications\\2013, v.23, p. 209.pdf
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Сиглы отделов ЦНБ УрО РАН

  бр.ф. - Бронированный фонд

  бф - Научно-библиографический отдел

  БХЛ - Фонд художественной литературы

  ИИиА -Фонд исторической литературы в ЦНБ УрО РАН

  ИМЕТ -Отдел ЦНБ в Институте металлургии УрО РАН

  кх - Отдел фондов (книгохранениe)

  МБА - Межбиблиотечный абонемент

  мф - Методический фонд

  ок - Отдел научной каталогизации

  оку - Отдел комплектования и учета

  орф - Обменно-резервный фонд

  пф - Читальный зал деловой и патентной информации

  рк - Фонд редкой книги

  ч/з - Главный читальный зал

  эр - Зал электронных ресурсов


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