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Труды сотрудников Института органического синтеза УрО РАН - результаты поиска

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 Найдено в других БД:Каталог книг и продолжающихся изданий (1)Труды Института высокотемпературной электрохимии УрО РАН (18)Труды сотрудников Института химии твердого тела УрО РАН (3)Расплавы (11)Публикации Черешнева В.А. (5)Публикации Чарушина В.Н. (1)
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Поисковый запрос: (<.>K=CsF<.>)
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    Isomerization of monohydroperfluoroalkenes [Electronic resource] / T. I. Filyakova, A. Ya. Zapevalov, M. I. Kodess, M. A. Kurykin, L. S. German // Russian Chemical Bulletin (Translation of Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Khimicheskaya). - 1994. - Vol. 43, № 9. - P1526-1531
ББК 54
Аннотация: Isomerization of monohydroperfluoro-1-alkenes HC(CF2)nCF=CF2 (n = 2 to 8) catalyzed by Lewis bases or acids (CsF, KHF2, and SbF5) under conditions of thermodynamic control affords equilibrium mixtures of all of the possible isomers resulting from migration of the double bond along the carbon chain. Under conditions of kinetic control, isomerization through the action of SbF5 gives -H-perfluoro-2-alkenes. The substantially higher proportion ofcis-isomers in the resulting monohydroperfluoroalkenes than in their perfluorinated analogs has been attributed to the effect of an intramolecular hydrogen bond

\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Russian Chemical Bulletin\\1994, 43 (9), 1526.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.

    Pyrrolylquinoxaline-2-one derivative as a potent therapeutic factor for brain trauma rehabilitation / E. A. Dutysheva, M. A. Mikeladze, N. D. Aksenov [и др.] // Pharmaceutics. - 2020. - Vol. 12, № 5. - С. 414
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often causes massive brain cell death accompanied by the accumulation of toxic factors in interstitial and cerebrospinal fluids. The persistence of the damaged brain area is not transient and may occur within days and weeks. Chaperone Hsp70 is known for its cytoprotective and antiapoptotic activity, and thus, a therapeutic approach based on chemically induced Hsp70 expression may become a promising approach to lower post-traumatic complications. To simulate the processes of secondary damage, we used an animal model of TBI and a cell model based on the cultivation of target cells in the presence of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from injured rats. Here we present a novel low molecular weight substance, PQ-29, which induces the synthesis of Hsp70 and empowers the resistance of rat C6 glioma cells to the cytotoxic effect of rat cerebrospinal fluid taken from rats subjected to TBI. In an animal model of TBI, PQ-29 elevated the Hsp70 level in brain cells and significantly slowed the process of the apoptosis in acceptor cells in response to cerebrospinal fluid action. The compound was also shown to rescue the motor function of traumatized rats, thus proving its potential application in rehabilitation therapy after TBI.

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Сиглы отделов ЦНБ УрО РАН

  бр.ф. - Бронированный фонд

  бф - Научно-библиографический отдел

  БХЛ - Фонд художественной литературы

  ИИиА -Фонд исторической литературы в ЦНБ УрО РАН

  ИМЕТ -Отдел ЦНБ в Институте металлургии УрО РАН

  кх - Отдел фондов (книгохранениe)

  МБА - Межбиблиотечный абонемент

  мф - Методический фонд

  ок - Отдел научной каталогизации

  оку - Отдел комплектования и учета

  орф - Обменно-резервный фонд

  пф - Читальный зал деловой и патентной информации

  рк - Фонд редкой книги

  ч/з - Главный читальный зал

  эр - Зал электронных ресурсов


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