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   T 44

    The visualization of boiling-up onset of superheated n-pentane in a glass capillary at atmospheric pressure by high-speed video [Electronic resource] / E. V. Lipnyagov, M. A. Parshakova, S. A. Perminov, G. V. Ermakov // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. - 2013. - Vol.60, №1. - P612-615. - Bibliogr. : p. 615 (12 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Experimental study of boiling-up of superheated n-pentane at atmospheric pressure in a glass capillary was carried out by high-speed video. From a visual comparison of video frames, we consider the character of vaporization in three temperature ranges corresponding to the following areas of the temperature dependence of the mean lifetime of metastable state: low temperature descending section, "plateau", and boundary of attainable superheat. Temperature at the boundary of attainable superheat was about 2 °C lower than the maximum values reported in the literature and achieved in the more narrow capillaries and 2.5 °C lower than at the homogeneous boundary of attainable superheat

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer\\2013, v.60, p.612-615.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   T 44

    The visualization of boiling-up onset of superheated n-pentane in a glass capillary at atmospheric pressure by high-speed video [Electronic resource] / E. V. Lipnyagov, M. A. Parshakova, S. A. Perminov, G. V. Ermakov // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. - 2013. - Vol.60, №1. - P612-615. - Bibliogr. : p. 615 (12 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Experimental study of boiling-up of superheated n-pentane at atmospheric pressure in a glass capillary was carried out by high-speed video. From a visual comparison of video frames, we consider the character of vaporization in three temperature ranges corresponding to the following areas of the temperature dependence of the mean lifetime of metastable state: low temperature descending section, "plateau", and boundary of attainable superheat. Temperature at the boundary of attainable superheat was about 2 °C lower than the maximum values reported in the literature and achieved in the more narrow capillaries and 2.5 °C lower than at the homogeneous boundary of attainable superheat

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer\\2013, v.60, p.612-615.pdf
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Сиглы отделов ЦНБ УрО РАН

  бр.ф. - Бронированный фонд

  бф - Научно-библиографический отдел

  БХЛ - Фонд художественной литературы

  ИИиА -Фонд исторической литературы в ЦНБ УрО РАН

  ИМЕТ -Отдел ЦНБ в Институте металлургии УрО РАН

  кх - Отдел фондов (книгохранениe)

  МБА - Межбиблиотечный абонемент

  мф - Методический фонд

  ок - Отдел научной каталогизации

  оку - Отдел комплектования и учета

  орф - Обменно-резервный фонд

  пф - Читальный зал деловой и патентной информации

  рк - Фонд редкой книги

  ч/з - Главный читальный зал

  эр - Зал электронных ресурсов


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