Инвентарный номер: И-14067 - кх.

International Congress on radiation physics, high current electronics, and modification of materials (1 ; 2000 ; Tomsk).

    1st International congress on radiation physics, high current electronics, and modifications of materials , Tomsk, 24-29 september 2000 : proceedinbgs / International Congress on radiation physics, high current electronics, and modification of materials. - Tomsk : [s. n.], 2000 - .
   Vol. 1 : 11th International Conference on Radiation Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter / International Congress on radiation physics, high current electronics, and modification of materials (1 ; 2000 ; Tomsk) ; ed. by D. Vaisbura. - 2000. - 472 p. : il. - Авт. указ.: с. 470-472. - ISBN 5-7137-0145-X : 20.00 р.
ББК 539.212.7я431(0)

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